The reforms
The current Government has a significant programme of reform underway that will impact how local government will function in the future.
Future for Local Government
An independent Panel is reviewing the system of local governance aimed at enhancing communities’ wellbeing and environmental sustainability. It is considered an opportunity to create a new system of local governance and democracy that will effectively respond to a changing New Zealand and create conditions for communities to thrive.
Learn more about the review here:
Three Waters
The Government is proposing four new, large water service delivery entities to manage our drinking, waste and storm water, also known as the three waters, rather than control sitting with individual Councils as it does today. The scale of the entities means they would be able to borrow enough to fund the investment needed in water services and infrastructure over the next 30 years.
Learn more about Three Waters here:
Resource Management Act
The Government is repealing the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and replacing it with new legislation. The reform of the RMA represents a significant opportunity for transformative and systemic change. Taituarā and LGNZ will be advocating for councils to ensure that the new legislation is fit for purpose.
Learn more about the Resource Management System Reform here: reform/overview/