Enrol to Vote
Enrol to vote so you can have a say
If you are registered to vote in Parliamentary elections (a Parliamentary elector), you are automatically enrolled as a residential elector to vote in local authority elections. The address where you are registered as a Parliamentary elector will be in the council district for the local authority elections.
You will receive a voting document in the mail so that you can vote by post.
To enrol, check or update your enrolment details
Not on the roll?
Enrol by 12 August so you can vote. If you enrol after 12 August, you will need to cast a ‘special vote’.
General roll or Māori roll?
If you’re of Māori descent and enrolling for the first time, you can decide which electoral roll you want to be on; the general roll or the Māori Roll. If you’re on the Māori Roll and your local authority has a Māori ward or constituency, you’ll vote for a candidate in the Māori ward. Learn more about Māori wards here
People living overseas can take part but must ensure that they are correctly enrolled with an overseas postal address in order to receive their voting papers. Voting papers for local elections cannot be downloaded.
Unpublished roll?
Not everyone feels safe enough to have their details publicly available on the electoral roll, but that doesn’t mean they lose the right to vote. If you are registered on the Unpublished roll, you will need to apply to the Electoral Officer at your local council. Click here for more information
Live in one area, pay rates in another?
Voters who live in one area and pay rates on a property in another area may qualify to vote in both areas. To do this, you need to be registered on the Ratepayer Roll. Click here for more information